Friday, May 20, 2011

Palymra vs Fred Post 915 L 7-6

David Fox would like you to check out Palmyra at Fredericksburg on GameChanger:

GameChanger provides mobile apps that replace pencil and paper scorekeeping and online tools that distribute real-time game updates for amateur sports.
Come join the game!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fred Pitch Hit and Run Final Results

                                  7/8                9/10                                     11/12                    13/14
All around           Peyton Wolfe –    Cole Felty             Zach Johnston                  Darren Shirk
Pitch                      Bryson Sunho      Bailey Keefer –  Ethan Beard   Dustin Breidegan and Trevor Shirk
Hit                          Ian Herman and Peyton Wolf    Bailey Keefer    Zach Johnston -      Hunter Voight
Run                        Peyton Wolfe       Cole Felty      Zach Johnston –                    Darren Shirk

These folks can go to Sectionals on May 28th 8am at the Senators field in Harrisburg.