Base Running Commandments

Base Running Commandments


Here are the ten Commandments from Scott Berry, head baseball coach at Mayville State University AS IN Coach Ken Bufords Email.
Effective baserunning starts from the bench. Know your opponent's tendencies and weaknesses.
COMMANDMENT#2Be aggressive by taking advantage of your opponent's mistakes.
COMMANDMENT#3Understand the word "reasonable." Players should take "reasonable" risks and make "reasonable" decisions by knowing their own speed and capabilities and the risk/reward of the situation.
COMMANDMENT#4Don't run into outs or be doubled off on line drives. There's nothing that kills a rally, or switches the momentum of an inning faster than an easy out on the basepaths.
COMMANDMENT#5Players should make their own decisions when running the bases. It's the coaches job to design the strategy and prepare their team - it's the players job to execute it.
COMMANDMENT#6Think between pitches. Consider every situation you might encounter, and what your reaction should be.
COMMANDMENT#7Practice hard, and execute the techniques that were taught by your coaching staff.
COMMANDMENT#8Always hustle and "run smart."
COMMANDMENT#9Know where the defense is positioned, the game score, the hitting count, the number of outs and the inning.
COMMANDMENT#10Know where the baseball is at all times.

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