Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Play of the week: Suicide Squeeze Bunt

Suicide Squeeze bunt. (Tap on links for video to start)

  • 1. You have acknowledged the signal from your third base coach and the runner on third also knows that the suicide squeeze is on. Your responsibility is to put the next pitch into play in fair territory and make sure that the ball hits the ground. No pop ups allowed. You also can't give away the squeeze play by squaring around too early.

  • 2
    Take your normal stance at the plate. As the pitcher winds up to pitch, the runner at third takes off for home. You do not change your stance until the final instant before the pitcher lets go of the ball. At that instant, you turn around and face the pitcher by moving your back foot up in the box until it's almost even with your front foot.

  • Bring the bat up to about the level of your chin. If the pitch is in in the strike zone, you will immediately lower the bat and try to bunt the top half of the ball with the lower part of the bat. However, if the pitcher has figured out that your team is running the suicide squeeze, he will attempt to ruin that strategy by throwing the ball up and in--and dangerously close to your head. The idea may make you nervous, but it is still your responsibility to get the bat on the ball. The runner is steaming for home. If you miss the ball and the catcher receives it cleanly, the runner will almost certainly be out. However, if you can get your bat on it and lay the ball on the ground in fair territory the runner will score.

  • 4
    Start with the bat up high because it is easier and more efficient to lower the bat and make an effective bunt than to start with it low and raise it into the strike zone. Bringing the bat up in the strike zone will almost certainly result in a pop up in any bunt situation

  • 5
    Never freelance once the suicide squeeze bunt is called. Your manager understands how difficult the play may be to execute if the pitch is coming up and in. Read more: How to Suicide Squeeze Bunt |
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