Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Baseball Personal Growth

The following is a list of key items for baseball that are expected for individuals to develop throughout the year.
Physical Conditioning: Coaches look for rounded Athletes
  1. Core strength work on wieghts off season let muscle stretch in season.
  2. Defense quickness left to right range forward to back speed.
  3. Offensive speed
  4. Speed drills - muscle development in legs workouts to include sprinting, leg extensions, leg curls, jumping rope.
Hitting Practice: Daily should be 100 or so balls a day on your own.
  1. Failure to get sign from 3rd base coach
  2. When batting Lining up too far from base
  3. Hand grip too tight-lining up the knuckles
  4. Failure to turn hips.
  5. Pulling head at contact
  6. Not driving barrel on same plane as ball.
  7. Watching ball after connecting.
  8. Tee work to develop line drive top dead center level swings
  9. Cage work to develop drive and quick hands to ball.
Fielding  Growth(wall drill is essential in developing these fundamentals)
  1. Failure to be on balls of feet at delivery of ball. 
  2. Not thinking anticipating play.
  3. Stop the ball first then quick to.the play.
  4. Failure to follow.catch with second hand.
  5. Failure to square off with Target.
  6. Staying down on grounders and not turning head
  7. Power L shorted.