Coaches Policies

Players will try hard.
Players will try harder.
Players are expected to put the team above all personal goals regarding baseball.
Players will not fight either verbal or physical.  No Tolerance for this, there will be penalty either play time or otherwise.
Enforcement of Code of Conduct at all times.
1.       “Conduct disrespectful to coaches, team mates, or opposing teams is subject to suspension or removal from the team at the coaches discretion”

 “Every team cannot win championship honors, but every player can win that which is of most importance – the spirit of fair play, loyalty, teamwork, obedience, gameness and democracy.”
Players wearing game issued clothing will abide by the code of conduct at all times and all places. This means if they go from the legion to an event they will look tucked in shirts pants above waist and act according to the code of conduct while in that attire. Game time and or other punishment will be at the Coaches discretion.
School Policy
Legion Policy is that all players abide by current NLHS sports policies. Grades are first before any sport.
Be in school the day of games and practices (Adhere to NLHS attendance and tardy policies). 
Practice Policy
Game Speed – no joking around and sloppy play during practice.
Players not in attendance the practice before a game will sit at least part of the upcoming game.  Two or more days missed will result in missing the entire game, unless otherwise noted by a coach.
 If a player misses a practice for an excused reason, they will still be missing important practice time and playing time for the next game could be decreased.  If you are too sick or hurt to practice, you will (in most cases) be too sick or hurt to play in the next game.  In extreme cases, there are possible exceptions.
1.       “If a player does not inform the coach of missing a practice (or game), it will be considered an unexcused absence.”
If a player misses a practice they will make arrangements with the Coach of when they plan to hit and field on their own for the time they missed during practice.
if in the event  a player cannot make the event will call the Coach to inform them of this. Tardy players are disruptive to team work.
Proper practice attire is to be worn at all practices.  Baseball pants red shirt or similar baseball shirt always tucked in. No shorts.
If a player is in practice attire and is off legion property they will look presentable with the shirt tucked in at all times until they change their dress. As long as you wear the logo of the legion you are representing not only the Legion baseball but the overall legion.  Being unsatisfactory in your appearance and behavior disrespects the soldiers that fought for our freedom.

Game Policy
Players that miss 1 game without an appropriate excuse(school related, death in the family)   will have limited play time the following game.
Players that miss two games with an appropriate excuse(school related,  death in the family)  will reduce play time and or sit the whole game  for the next time they return.

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