Monday, July 18, 2011

Fredericksburg American Junior Legion Post 915 Fall Ball August 20th

Fredericksburg Junior Legion
Fall Ball Sign Up
Goal: To improve baseball skills through extended play in the off season.
Lebanon County Fall Ball Schedule
Practice Tuesday and/or Thursday nights
FALL  REGISTRATION FORM Sign Up Dates:  Saturday August 20 2011 Program :____ FY 2012 16-U (2013-14 Grads)  13-15 year olds This program is designed for youth whom will be moving up to Legion ball in the spring from County and Little League programs.  It is also designed for returning junior Legion youth to continue in development.

PLAYERS EMAIL ADDRESS:_______________________________
PARENTS NAME:________________________________________
PARENTS EMAIL ADDRESS:_______________________________
CITY:___________________STATE:______ ZIP:_______________
Cell PHONE: (________) ________________________________
HIGH SCHOOL:__________________________________________
BAT:______ THROW:_______ HEIGHT:_______ WEIGHT:_______
BIRTHDATE:____________ GRADUATION YEAR:_________

WAIVER/RELEASE FORM PARTICIPANTS NAME:________________________________________ I understand that a baseball tryout is an athletic activity. As an athletic activity, the above named participant is responsible for all health risks associated with the activity. I, the undersigned, release the Fredericksburg Legion from any and all liabilities concerning this activity and the athletic activities that will take place therein.
Finally, I/we agree that in the event of illness or injury to my son/daughter during a Legion  baseball practice or tryout, I/we hereby give consent for the performance of such diagnostic, medical and/or surgical treatment on my child as may be deemed medically necessary in order to assure the safety of my child.
_______________________________ ___________________

FAMILY PHYSICIAN & PHONE NUMBER: _______________________
EMERGENCY CONTACT PERSON: ______________________________
EMERGENCY TELEPHONE: ____________________________________
MEDICAL RESTRICTIONS: ____________________________________

Working Budget
16-U Tentative Team Budget Player registration Fee:TBD , plus fund raising activity.
Player Registration Fees (18 @  cost $150.00 tentatively no cost Ladies Auxiliary to front much of the costs outlined below) .........................................................$2700

Tournament Entry Fee ................................................................................................$900.00
League Fee ................................................................................................................n/c
League Umpires ........................................................................................................$1000.00
Hats ...........................................................................................................................$210.00
T-Shirts (2 per player) ...............................................................................................$350.00
Socks ...........................................................................................................................$56.00
Belts ............................................................................................................................$56.00
Manning Pants ................................................................................................................$540.00
Bats ...........................................................................................................................$200.00
Misc. Equipment (Buckets/Balls/Pine Tar/Practice Facility/Etc.) ............................       $300.00 Other Field and electric costs                                                                         $1400

Total Expenses ....................................................................................................     $5012
Please note: A fund raising event will be held to complete the costs of the program your assistance is greatly appreciated. 

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Glen Weaver II Wooden Bat Tournament Friday July 1 and Saturday July 2

Legion field
NL High School
 July 1 Friday

Game 1 Palmyra vs Leb Teener
Result W            L
Game 2 Bethel vs Jonestown
Result W               L
Game 3 Fredericksburg         vs W of 1
Result W               L  
Game 4 Myerstown    vs Winner of 2
Result W                    L
Game 5 Loser of 2          vs
Loser of 3
Result W                     L
Game 6 Loser  of 1            vs Loser of 4
Result W                 L
July 2 Saturday

Game 7 W of 3                   vs
          W of 4
Result W            L
Game 8 W of 5                   vs 
              W of 6
Result W            L
Game 9 L of 7              vs
             W of 8
Result W            L

Game 10 W of 7      vs         
               W of 9
Result W            L

Game 11 if needed if L of 10 1st loss
Result W            L

Friday, May 20, 2011

Palymra vs Fred Post 915 L 7-6

David Fox would like you to check out Palmyra at Fredericksburg on GameChanger:

GameChanger provides mobile apps that replace pencil and paper scorekeeping and online tools that distribute real-time game updates for amateur sports.
Come join the game!

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Fred Pitch Hit and Run Final Results

                                  7/8                9/10                                     11/12                    13/14
All around           Peyton Wolfe –    Cole Felty             Zach Johnston                  Darren Shirk
Pitch                      Bryson Sunho      Bailey Keefer –  Ethan Beard   Dustin Breidegan and Trevor Shirk
Hit                          Ian Herman and Peyton Wolf    Bailey Keefer    Zach Johnston -      Hunter Voight
Run                        Peyton Wolfe       Cole Felty      Zach Johnston –                    Darren Shirk

These folks can go to Sectionals on May 28th 8am at the Senators field in Harrisburg.

Monday, April 4, 2011

Pitch, Hit and Run Competition Fredericksburg Area.

Hosted by: Fredericksburg Junior Legion in Collaboration with Northern Lebanon Little League, Jonestown and Fredericksburg County Ball Programs.

Saturday April 30, 2011

Registration:        8:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Competition:       8:30 AM – 3:00 PM
Age Group Times
8:30 AM  13 -14  Legion Age
10:00 AM  11-12 year old -  Majors
11:00 AM 9-10 year olds Minors
1:00 PM  7-8 year olds Rookies. Tee Ball see below
While there is no further contest for Tee ball age youth we welcome them to attend during the rookie session to earn some local awards.
Questions:            Contact Del Voight , 717.821.0699,


PITCH, HIT & RUN is intended to encourage youth participation and emphasize the "FUN" element of baseball competition. Participants will compete in three important aspects of baseball: pitching, hitting & running.
The four age groups are: 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, and 13-14 with boys and girls competing together (age is determined as of July 17, 2011).
PITCH, HIT & RUN Youngsters may advance through four levels of competition – Local, Sectional, Team Championship (Target Field) and National Finals (2011 MLB All-Star Game).
·         The competition is FREE for all participants.
·         All boys and girls, ages 7-14, are welcome to participate.
·         All participants must provide a copy of a valid birth certificate or baptismal record for age verification when asked. Failure to provide proof of age may result in disqualification.
·         All participants must sign a registration/waiver form.
Pitch - The PITCH portion of the program will test how accurately a competitor can throw strikes from 45 feet to a designated "Strike Zone" target.
Hit - The HIT portion of the program will test a competitor's ability to hit a baseball from a stationary tee, along a tape measure from home plate, toward straight-away centerfield. Hits will be measured for distance and accuracy.
Run - The RUN portion of the program will measure a competitor's speed in a sprint from second base, around third, and across home plate.
See you at the Competition April 30, 2011!!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Practice Schedule 4.1.11

Try out will be on Thursday from 5:45pm to 7:30pm.  Jim Mckinney, Glenn Weaver and Elvin Felty will conduct a player assessment. The total scores will be added together and rank order of participants will be determined. Coaches will select the roster based on the Assessment. 
Practices for next week will occur on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 545-7:30 at the Legion.

Friday, February 11, 2011

The Reality of Player Selection

I like this Coaches approach to player selection.  Perhaps you can understand more fully how a High School team functions and for the most part teams like the Legion.
The Reality of Player Selection

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Attendance Worksheet

I will keep the attendance at events. This information is for the staff use and will enter into future team decisions if the situation requires.
Attendance Log File

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Junior Legion Eligibility 2012

Fredericksburg Geography
Bethel, Northern Lebanon, Union and Swatara Township north of route 78

amateurs and will not attain their sixteenth (16th) birthday prior to April 30th of the current year.

(Boxed) 2. Teams may have eighteen (18) players enrolled. In no case may they have more than
twelve (12) players in the 15year
age group. The rest of the players may be any age below fifteen

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fredericksburg Junior Legion Facility Use

Team members are expected to hit 100 or more balls daily on their own.  Practice facilities available offer the option to come and perform this practice.  Typical workouts should last no more that 45 minutes and 20 minutes are more common.  When using the facility the combination will be given to active team members.  Another combination allows one to enter the ball storage area.  Typical daily routine should consist of the following:
  • Hitting
    1. T hitting
    2. Soft toss
    3. Line toss
  • Throwing
    1. Wall drill individual
Cleats are not permitted in the batting cage area. Once the member has completed thier practice the area will need to be cleaned up and raked to ensure clean use.

Concession Stand Sign Up

This will serve as the area to which I will have our sign ups for concession stands. We have 9 home games therefore each parent will be asked to serve at 3 games each.  To ensure compliance a $40.00 check will be due once the team is selected and once the 3 games are worked, chicken fund raiser is complete and hte uniform is turned in by the Middle of August a check in that amount will be given the parents. Here is the sheet to sign up.  I still need checks from many of you.

Field Maintenance Tasks

All home games the team is responsible for cleaning up the field. Duties will be as follows.

Post and Retrieve the colors and state flag  Tyler Mcfeaters and Hunter Voight
Pitcher mound- Kody Krieser and Brett Minnich
Bull Pen both home and away cleaning/covering - Josh Risser, Ian Whitman
In field baseline clay raking- Nate Wolfe
Clean dug outs - David Gerth, Dustin Breidegan, Trevor Shirk
Empty garbage walk stands for garbage- Adreyan Morgan, Luke Funck
Put equipment away - Nate Lyons,
Take Bases out and clean them put away. - Nate Wolfe
Drag field- Hunter Voight, Brandon Graby
Home Plate - Nate Lyons and Ethan Beard

Fredericksburg Junior Legion Practice Protocal

Equipment Needs

  1. Cup
  2. Glove
  3. Cleats
  4. Water Bottle
  5. Determination
  1. Place:  Fredericksburg Legion Field
  2.  Call Out March 10 

Practice Protocal

Jog Around Field 3 times
Stretching(Hold for count of ten together AS TEAM)
Alternate stretch head to knee
hold one leg in up behind stretch front
opposite leg
Spread leg reach between then walk it front
Partner hold leg head to knee touch
Over head both sides
Sit ups 30
Push ups 20

Deep leg lunges 3 times
Toe taps
  Arm Drills
Start on ground with snap then  work up to standing position
Long toss drill

1.  4 corners drill
2. Wall Drill
3. Pop fly  drill
4.  Cage hitting
Final announcements
Note: Discipline will take the nature of a jog around the field when directions are not followed or disruptive behavior is shown.
During inclement weather practice will be cancelled and rescheduled during the week.  The Coach will call/text/ or email players in this event.During play if visible lightening  is observed cancellation is immediate.
Attendance Call

Fredericksburg Junior Legion Code of Conduct and Sportsmanship Pledge

Official American Legion
I WILL KEEP the rules.
I WILL KEEP faith with my teammates.
I WILL KEEP my temper.
I WILL KEEP myself fit.
I WILL KEEP a stout heart in defeat.
I WILL KEEP my pride under in victory.
I WILL KEEP a sound soul, a clean mind and a healthy body.
Only good sportsmen of good character are the proper men to manage Legion Baseball teams. They
must, by precept and example, keep constantly before the players, the true purpose of the American
Legion Baseball Program. In other words, a Post Athletic Officer or Team Manager should not
consider himself merely a coach with the main objective the winning of games. His big job is to keep
uppermost in the minds of the players at all times, the citizenship lessons learned from participating in
the program. Every team cannot win championship honors, but every player can win that which is of
most importance the
spirit of fair play, loyalty, teamwork, obedience, gameness and democracy.
It shall be the responsibility of the sponsor of the team to see that his team, coach and manager are
instructed in the code of sportsmanship prior to the start of each season and to certify that the
Pennsylvania American Legion Baseball Rules have been read and explained to his team, manager and
It is the responsibility of the League Chairman to instruct all team managers that both teams prior to
the start of the game line up along the base paths and repeat the Code of Sportsmanship in unison. It
is the responsibility of the home team to enforce this rule. Teams violating this rule are subject to a
fine of ten dollars ($10.00), payable to the Director of Activities, and/or disqualification from the
I will abide by the team rules and respect the authority of the Coaches and in the presence of the Coaches never disrespect my parent or guardian.
THE CODE OF SPORTSMANSHIP (to be recited before games)
2.       I will not use inappropriate language.
3.       I will respect all referees decisions and abide by their judgment in the field.
4.       I will dress in the Fredericksburg Legion Uniforms and practice attire as below
a.       Hats will be clean and worn bill front with three fingers from nose. Hats will be taken care of with respect and removed during any pledge or Singing of the National Anthem
b.      Shirts will be clean and tucked in at all times.
c.       Other attire will be clean and displayed with pride. Jewelry and body ornaments will not be aloud under any circumstances at practice or games.
5.       I will have respect for other members accomplishments and achievements and will display only positive encouragement to other members.
6.       I expect situations that arise that have not been documented in this code of conduct to be dealt with accordingly by the coaching staff.
7.       I will not use or have in my possession any tobacco products
8.       I will not destruct any Legion property. (Those that destroy property will be responsible for repair)
9.       I will not use physical violence.
10.   I will contact the coach in private when disputes arise and conduct myself in a professional courteous manner.
11.   I will with all my power as a youth member ensure that I am at all practices and arrive on time or early and if in the event I cannot make the event will call the Coach to inform them of this.

I will conduct myself as a mature and responsible person and as a worthy representative of my family and my team.

I have read and understand the Fredericksburg Legion code of conduct. I pledge to abide by these rules by signing this statement.

____________________                                                                           ___________________
Fredericksburg Legion Member                                                                           Date

Parent or Guardian signature __________________________________

Fredericksburg Junior Legion Online

As a new Coach please be patient as I transition into this new role.  I will begin to contact players and potential players as I get connected with the previous Coach.  Right now the play will be to begin offering sessions in Late January in the heated complex on the Legion Grounds.  I am excited to bring together a Coaching staff that meets the needs of the youth in the area.