Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Fredericksburg Junior Legion Code of Conduct and Sportsmanship Pledge

Official American Legion
I WILL KEEP the rules.
I WILL KEEP faith with my teammates.
I WILL KEEP my temper.
I WILL KEEP myself fit.
I WILL KEEP a stout heart in defeat.
I WILL KEEP my pride under in victory.
I WILL KEEP a sound soul, a clean mind and a healthy body.
Only good sportsmen of good character are the proper men to manage Legion Baseball teams. They
must, by precept and example, keep constantly before the players, the true purpose of the American
Legion Baseball Program. In other words, a Post Athletic Officer or Team Manager should not
consider himself merely a coach with the main objective the winning of games. His big job is to keep
uppermost in the minds of the players at all times, the citizenship lessons learned from participating in
the program. Every team cannot win championship honors, but every player can win that which is of
most importance the
spirit of fair play, loyalty, teamwork, obedience, gameness and democracy.
It shall be the responsibility of the sponsor of the team to see that his team, coach and manager are
instructed in the code of sportsmanship prior to the start of each season and to certify that the
Pennsylvania American Legion Baseball Rules have been read and explained to his team, manager and
It is the responsibility of the League Chairman to instruct all team managers that both teams prior to
the start of the game line up along the base paths and repeat the Code of Sportsmanship in unison. It
is the responsibility of the home team to enforce this rule. Teams violating this rule are subject to a
fine of ten dollars ($10.00), payable to the Director of Activities, and/or disqualification from the
I will abide by the team rules and respect the authority of the Coaches and in the presence of the Coaches never disrespect my parent or guardian.
THE CODE OF SPORTSMANSHIP (to be recited before games)
2.       I will not use inappropriate language.
3.       I will respect all referees decisions and abide by their judgment in the field.
4.       I will dress in the Fredericksburg Legion Uniforms and practice attire as below
a.       Hats will be clean and worn bill front with three fingers from nose. Hats will be taken care of with respect and removed during any pledge or Singing of the National Anthem
b.      Shirts will be clean and tucked in at all times.
c.       Other attire will be clean and displayed with pride. Jewelry and body ornaments will not be aloud under any circumstances at practice or games.
5.       I will have respect for other members accomplishments and achievements and will display only positive encouragement to other members.
6.       I expect situations that arise that have not been documented in this code of conduct to be dealt with accordingly by the coaching staff.
7.       I will not use or have in my possession any tobacco products
8.       I will not destruct any Legion property. (Those that destroy property will be responsible for repair)
9.       I will not use physical violence.
10.   I will contact the coach in private when disputes arise and conduct myself in a professional courteous manner.
11.   I will with all my power as a youth member ensure that I am at all practices and arrive on time or early and if in the event I cannot make the event will call the Coach to inform them of this.

I will conduct myself as a mature and responsible person and as a worthy representative of my family and my team.

I have read and understand the Fredericksburg Legion code of conduct. I pledge to abide by these rules by signing this statement.

____________________                                                                           ___________________
Fredericksburg Legion Member                                                                           Date

Parent or Guardian signature __________________________________

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